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Jessica Mandela

Jessica Mandela

Hydration with water-rich foods

Easy Ways to Boost Hydration with Water-Rich Foods

This guide unlocks the secrets of hydration through delicious, water-rich foods. Discover fruits & veggies that keep you healthy, explore meal plans, and learn how to eat your way to a well-hydrated you!
food allergies

Food Allergies: Tips for a Safe and Delicious Diet

A food allergy is an immune system reaction triggered by consuming certain foods that the body mistakenly identifies as harmful. When someone with a food allergy ingests the specific food, their immune system overreacts, producing antibodies called immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies.
Heart Attacks among young adult

Why the Rise in Heart Attacks among Young Adults

While heart attacks are commonly connected with older people, it's crucial to recognize that young adults can likewise encounter this life-threatening event. The symptoms in younger people may not always align with the classic signs observed in older populations.